Creating Nostalgic Heirlooms: Why You Should Print Your Newborn & Family Professional Photos

In today’s digital age, we've become so accustomed to scrolling through photos on our smartphones and computers that we often overlook the joy and significance of printed photographs. Especially when it comes to cherished, intimate milestone moments like a newborn or family photo session, having a physical copy of these precious memories can make all the difference. Prints have many more benefits beyond simply having a hard copy. Here are a few reasons I always encourage families to prioritize printing their professional photos as soon as possible after a session (because we all know that the longer we wait, the harder it is).

mom and dad holding newborn baby looking at each other

Reasons to Prioritize Getting Prints Made After a Photo Session

Tangible Memories

First, let's address the elephant in the room: convenience. Digital photos are easy to share and store with a click or two. But let’s face it, how often do we really take the time to go through all those digital albums? With printed photos, these treasured moments are not hidden away in some obscure folder on your computer or lost on your phone's camera roll. Instead, prints are right there in front of you, a constant reminder of the joy and warmth they represent.

A printed photo, especially one from a professional session, is a piece of art. A tangible photograph evokes feelings that digital images cannot replicate. You can hold it, feel it, and even smell it. It's a multi-sensory experience that immerses you in the moment captured, triggering vivid memories and emotions.

newborn on beige blanket with beige wrap

Nostalgic Heirlooms

Moreover, printed photos are a legacy. They are time capsules holding priceless memories you can pass down through generations. You'll be surprised by just how much your child loves seeing baby pictures! Even as toddlers, they're so intrigued and captivated by pictures of themselves and you from a time they can't remember. 

Imagine the joy in your child's eyes when they grow up and flip through their beautiful newborn photos or the family portraits from their first birthday. These memories deserve to be preserved in a more enduring and meaningful way than just being stored on a digital device.

Art for Your Home

Printing your photos also opens up a world of creativity. You can use these prints to decorate your living space and make your house feel more like a home. A gallery wall can be a stunning showcase of your family's journey through the years. And photo books can sit on your coffee table for everyone to browse. These tangible memories add a personalized touch to your home decor that's heart-warming and conversation-provoking.

newborn baby in basket in grey wrap

Make the Most of Your Investment

Professional photo sessions are investments. They are not just about hitting the shutter at the right moment but about capturing your family's connections, personality, and dynamics. As a professional newborn photographer, I put a lot of effort into making each photo a masterpiece - the lighting, the composition, the expressions - they all tell a story. By printing these photos, you are not only appreciating your memories but also the professionalism and creativity that went into creating them. Truthfully, there's probably a reason you hired me for this momentous occasion instead of relying on your phone.

As for the quality, there's no competition. Professionally printed photos have a vibrancy and clarity that screen images cannot match. The feel of the high-quality paper, the rich colors, and the superior resolution all contribute to a viewing experience that's second to none. (And please, please, unless you're using them for a school project, do not get quick drugstore prints. The color, ratio, and quality will not be retained.)

Prevent Digital Disasters

Lastly, think about the longevity. Digital files can get corrupted, devices can crash, and cloud services may not last forever. Who knows where social media will be in ten years! In contrast, professionally printed photos can last a lifetime if properly cared for. They provide a sense of security and permanence that digital images might not guarantee. Ideally, you want both in case of digital or physical disasters so you can safeguard your photos as much as possible.

newborn in cream wrap on a cream blanket

Encourage Regular Reflection

Unlike digital photos that often get lost in the sea of images stored on our devices, printed photographs encourage regular reflection. They're a constant presence in your home, inviting you to pause, look, and remember. Each time you glance at your family photos, you’re reminded of those special moments, the bonds you share, and the love that fills your life.

Perfect for Gifting

Printed photos make for personal and thoughtful gifts. Whether it’s a framed family portrait for the grandparents or a baby's first-year photo album for godparents, these gifts will always be treasured. They're a meaningful way of sharing those special moments with the loved ones in your life.

newborn in blue wrap on beige blanket

More Than Just Photos...

In conclusion, while technology has made taking and storing photos easier than ever, it hasn't replaced the unique value that printed photos offer. A balance between the two offers the best of both worlds -- the convenience of digital storage and the emotional connection of physical prints. 

So, next time you have a professional photo session, don't let those beautiful images get lost in the digital abyss. Print them, frame them, create photo books, and let them be sweet visual reminders in your family's life. After all, these are not just photos; they are your family's history and legacy.

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Jenny Simmons

Hi! I’m Jenny, a Houston Heights based newborn and family photographer. I’d love to capture some memories for you!

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